Re[27]: css with attribues [hardware]


>>>> should download css before parsing html.
DD> But CSS is supposed to be an optional presentational layer. The
DD> operative word should be "may" not "should".

  You have convinced me, CAS (third layer: with attributes,
but without properties) would more suitable, than CSAS.
  'optional' theoretically or practically ? I know people,
who browse without downloading pictures (e.g. I),
but i know nobody, who without css.
  As was mentioned, one css-file per hundreds other files of site
is less one persent of traffic, so this is not actual for robots.


>> DD> Lynx is a browser. Lynx does not support JavaScript.
>> It cover very little part of population.
>> To my mind, it's anachronism.
DD> To my mind it is a small, fast, useful tool.

  Size of program is not important in epoch of DVD, BluRay, etc.
  It's not important, how much time of rendering is less constants
of human perception (1 sec): 0.05 sec or 0.5 sec
(comparing browsers in identical conditions, i.e. for textual framework).
  And without pictures, it's not useful - observe today's inet.

>>>>>> Nothing disturb author to write in previous manner.
>>>> DD> Initial authors perhaps, but not maintainers who have to find
>>>> DD> out where the previous author decided to put the information.
>> DD> URIs that are being linked to,
>> These are places with unique information -
>> they will remain in htm-file.
DD> Your proposal would allow them to appear in the stylesheet.

Yes, any technology allows author to harm himself.

Dmitry Turin
SQL5      (5.10.0)
HTML6     (6. 5.2)
Unicode7  (7. 2.1)
Computer2 (2. 0.2)

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 14:47:54 UTC