Re: [css-mobile] relate to css handheld media type?

Justin Thorp wrote:

> I was just curious how this document relates to setting a css media
> type [1] to handheld.  Would this profile specify what properties I
> could use for my handheld css?

You can use all other CSS properties as well, they are just not 
guaranteed to work. All implementations that claim to support 'handheld' 
must implement *at least* the features in this profile. Many mobile 
implementations will (or already do) support much more than what the 
profile requires.

> Often handheld css's are implemented on top of the desktop css which
> mobile devices see.

That's perfectly fine: mobile devices will accept full CSS syntax. But 
as an author you have to be prepared for the fact that some of them will 
skip the more advanced features of CSS.


Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 09:25:57 UTC