Re: [CSS21] properties for table-column (In HTML: COL) & table-column-group (In HTML: COLGROUP) items.

> percentages. How would you do it without percentages and would this
> match the mental model the web designers have in their head?

The problem is that the mental model that designers have doesn't include
the possibility that the reader doesn't like 7pt type!  I disable
font sizes because of the excessive use of small fonts and it is
quite common for text to overflow its layout boxes, in particular for
controls to be pushed out of the box.

Designers might like to think in fixed proportions, but when those
proportions include two dimensions, as they usually do, you get 
a conflict with the overidability of font sizes.  For the web, most
boxes need to be defined in em sizes, or have minimum sizes in ems.

Received on Friday, 1 July 2005 06:49:30 UTC