Re: Multiple Text Decoration Values

David Woolley wrote:
>>I don't think so.  I argued for it [blinking] 
>>to be deprecated ... and *drop* it from CSS3 Text
> The problem with removing undesirable features that are popular...

   I wouldn't call blinking text popular.  Very few sites actually use 
either <blink> or 'text-decoration: blink' because most people either 
know how annoying it is or won't bother cause it doesn't work in IE.

> (Certainly, for me, blinking would suggest a site with little useful
> content.)

   Agreed.  The only places I ever see blinking text (usually done with 
animated gifs or flash) is for advertisments which is never useful content.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Saturday, 3 July 2004 07:25:44 UTC