Re: CSS1 Test Suite (minor updates)

Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> > but I thought that name and id tokens had to begin with a letter
> > (A-Za-z), then could be followed by any number of letters, digits,
> > hyphens, underscores, colons, and periods.
>   No, not for CSS1. .1 is allowed. This was a problem :
>   .12em could be a length or a class (depends on the
> context).

The requirement about name and id tokens comes not from CSS but from
SGML. And, Sue is correct. <foo class="1"> is invalid.

Chris, saving this to the "send later" file on the assumption that in
the future, other civilisations will arise, and working modems will
become available. Until then, there will be a slight delay.

Received on Saturday, 11 April 1998 23:04:18 UTC