RE: [Fwd: SMIL 2.0 comment: 14.3.2 Conformance of SMIL 2.0 Basic Documents]

Hi Aaron, 

I note that the SYMM group has taken a very different approach to conformance and interoperability than, for example, the HTML group.

Aaron writes:
> The most straight forward way to declare that a document can 
> be played by a
> smil basic player is:
> <smil xmlns="" 
> 	xmlns:basic="" 
> 	systemRequired="basic">
> ...
> </smil>

So there is no way for the developer to check whether the document includes only the SMIL Basic modules. There is no DTD/Schema for SMIL Basic, that includes only the basic modules. 

And since the SMIL media type does not indicate what modules/profiles the client supports, the server can do nothing more than serving the same SMIL document to all types of SMIL clients. 

I am also worried about the following statement:
> We expect that other standards bodies will build profiles 
> starting with the
> smil basic scalability framework and the host language 
> conformance set.
> These profiles can have their own doctype/namespace/dtd and 
> make documents
> written in them directly identifiable as such.

If, for example, the WAP Forum or the 3GPP would define their own SMIL profile using only SMIL 2.0 modules, should they also define their own XML namespace? I hope the answer is no.



Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 03:12:07 UTC