Re: rdfs:Property rdfs:range questions

Seth Russell wrote:

 > Jeen Broekstra wrote:
 >> By the way, most[1] inferencers over RDF Schema interpret the
 >> domain/range property semantics as inference rules rather than
 >> constraints, which basically means that whenever you introduce a
 >> property p with a certain range R (p rdfs:range R), and you
 >> introduce a instance a with that property (a p b), its value is
 >> automatically derived to be of type R (b rdf:type R).
 > But there is no way to define the property p *using only the RDF and
 > RDFS vocabulary*, such that the RDF Model thory would entail {ex:b
 > rdf:type ex:R.} from {ex:p rdfs:range ex:R. ex:a ex:p ex:b.}, is
 > there ?

I'm afraid I'm not following. The example you give seems equivalent to
my own, and the entailment is a direct consequence of the RDF Model
Theory entailment rule rdfs3. I do not see where additional vocabulary
is introduced.

Maybe I do not understand what you mean with 'only the RDF and RDFS 

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Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 09:42:53 UTC