Re: rdfs:Property rdfs:range questions

At 2002-09-20 04:13, Jeen Broekstra wrote:

> > * How can I have two dissjoint ranges in the same property?
>You can't.
>Or actually you can, but then no instances can exist that use this property.

Given this:

  forall a. p(a) member of union(r,s)

I think you can do this:

  {r rdfs:subClassOf u}
  {s rdfs:subClassOf u}
  {p rdfs:range u}

however that actually says this, which is weaker:

  union(r,s) subset of u
  forall a. p(a) member of u

...and by itself not very useful for inference. On the other hand, from 
there you could find common properties of r and s and declare them on u.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 19:39:02 UTC