Re: Contexts (spinoff from copy and wrap rdf statements)

David Menendez wrote:

>> I'm ok with both of thoses; but we don't end up with a URI for the graph.
> That's an artifact of N3. It shouldn't matter whether a resource 
> representing a graph is identified by a URIref or not. N3 just doesn't 
> have a convenient way to say what that identifier is.
> So, there's no reason why you couldn't do something like:
> <#Graph1234> dc:source <>.
> Where <#Graph1234> indicates a resource corresponding to a graph of 
> statements derived from <>.

Well all the triples in the graph I'm trying to come up with are not 
encoded in *just one* rdf document.  That was the point of the use case 
at the bottom of my last post [1].  How doe we allow *multiple* rdf 
documents to assert triples to the *same*  graph ?


Seth Russell

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 15:09:06 UTC