Re: Practical application

Fernanda Hembecker wrote:
> Hello,
>     Is there a public directory with practical examples of RDF? But not
> only with RDF fragments, I would like to know how should be an html page
> with RDF properties in it. Until now, I've seen just one example, adding
> RDF to the <head></head> section on a HTML page and I have a doubt.
> Netscape6 shows de label "Documents" in the expression "<rdf:value>
> Documents </rdf:value>". Is this correct?

I've been hesitant to announce this since it's not quite finished, but
since you asked, here's a specification in the works that describes
how to incorporate Dublin Core metadata within XHTML, so that Web pages
can be harvested for their subject, author, etc. content. How this might
occur is described in section 5.5.3. You'll note that this doesn't put
RDF of any flavour into a Web page. That couldn't be validated, which
is one of the requirements of the project, and in terms of being globally
useful, allowing every author in the world to create their own flavour
of metadata isn't a particularly compelling need; we all need to agree 
on using the same "carrier" with a small number of controlled 
vocabularies. Dublin Core fits this bill as a very popular way of 
capturing a subset of the kinds of metadata described in things I've 
read about the Semantic Web.

There's also a section on how to work this with topic maps.

Anyway, enough selling. I'd start a new thread with an announcement,
but I'm waiting until a first round of feedback has impacted the
head and shoulders of the spec before there's any "splash." This is
intended to eventually be submitted as a W3C Note. I just updated 
the online version, so it should still smell fresh.

  Augmented Metadata in XHTML
  Murray Altheim, Sean Palmer, 21 June 2001 (latest version)

I think this might be a start toward practical applications, and it's 
simple to understand and implement (my prototype Java processor for this 
is tiny), doesn't invent too much (which seems the bane of our clever
community), and works okay with existing browsers. Feedback welcome. 


Murray Altheim                            <mailto:altheim&#x40;>
XML Technology Center
Sun Microsystems, Inc., MS MPK17-102, 1601 Willow Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025

      In the evening
      The rice leaves in the garden
      Rustle in the autumn wind
      That blows through my reed hut.  -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 14:24:32 UTC