Re: Dropping the redundant colon in N3

"Sean B. Palmer" wrote:

> "Seth Russell" wrote:-
> > [] = [].
> I'm really confused now... Why are you adding the "#" after it for, and
> calling them equivelent? These namespaces make completely different URIs
> when pieced back together again: is
> totally different from

Hopefully my statement above would make them equivalent.

> >  Do you think I fixed it by
> > using square brackets to delimit URI ?
> That is quite a good idea. I wonder though about having [ ] to imply a node
> one minute, and then a URI the next. Is that O.K. - i.e. will people
> understand that?

It seems natural to me .. i guess we would need some other user feedback.

> It does make the coding neat, but I suppose it would be very difficult to
> get a program to grok tht if you have different amount of elements inside
> the "[ ]" it means a completely different thing altogether.

Not at all.  The parser just pushes when it sees a "[" and pops when it sees
the "]" then it counts the number of elements present and outputs accordingly.

> Still, it's
> probably better than using <> because at least we can use it inside XML
> now. I suppose the next step is to ask: "what MIME type should N3 have?".
> text/plain for the moment I guess, but that implies that it is just "text,
> and not code", which it clearly isn't.

Well first we need to find out if TimBL will be blessing these kind of
shenanigans or whether we will need to branch to get these features.  Tim ?

> Actually it didn't... my mail program still read the closing "]" as part of
> the URI! Sometimes it even thinks that an ">" is a part of the URI, and
> when typing them out, it sometimes includes whitespace as a part of it. I
> should really get a better mail client...

Use Netscape.


Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2001 21:45:42 UTC