Re: Dropping the redundant colon in N3

Sean B. Palmer <> wrote:

>> Also I note that your <...> construct in N3 cannot be easily nested inside of
>> XML .. which i take as a real drag.
> So do I, but you can't simply remove it because http: would be interpreted
> as a namespace alias! There needs to be something there that says "this is
> a URI".

It's more than just the issue of namespace aliases -- it's the fundamental
fact that there's no way to pick out what a URI is. Here are some URIs
(inside quotes):


There's really no way to detect them with out some sort of special syntax.

One way that might work is something like:


and ban URI as a namespace prefix in N3. You could also figure out some
other sort of delimiter for URIs that didn't conflict with XML.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2001 17:55:55 UTC