Re: tracing statement origin (was Re: I have a trouble with The RDF Model)

Gabe Beged-Dov <> writes:

> The Bag can be used as the target of distributive referents [2] and I
> am suggesting that it is also useful as a way of providing finer
> grained traceability of statement occurrences.

I remember that the aboutEach attribute has been criticized for not
having a corresponding encoding in the node diagram.

The M&S gives this example:

  <rdf:Bag ID="pages">
    <rdf:li resource="" />
    <rdf:li resource="" />

  <rdf:Description about="#pages">
    <s:Creator>Ora Lassila</s:Creator>

  <rdf:Description aboutEach="#pages">
    <s:Creator>Ora Lassila</s:Creator>

The question here is how about differs from aboutEach in the node
diagram.  And the answer is that the aboutEach statement is translated
to mutlipple statements.  There is no way to recreate the XML
serialization from the triples.

RDF M&S says:

        No explicit graph representation of distributive referents is
        defined. Instead, in terms of the statements made,
        distributive referents are expanded into the individual
        statements about the individual container members (internally,
        implementations are free to retain information about the
        distributive referents - in order to save space, for example -
        as long as any querying functions work as if all of the
        statements were made individually).

Wraf will store those distributed properties, as suggested, in a way
not representable in RDF itself.  But at some point, we will have to
be able to talk about distributed properties using RDF.

/ Jonas Liljegren

The Wraf project
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Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 05:53:02 UTC