Schemas using schemas.

I am developing an RDF schema for Collection Descriptions (call it
rslpcld)  that is made up of a number of properties from a number of other
schema - for example it is defined in terms of:

  dc:title, dc:identifier, dcq:location, cld:strength, cld:accessControl,
  vcard:voice, etc. 

but does not use ALL the attributes in any one schema.

How do I define the namespaces in the rslpcld schema? My initial thought
is to include a "xmlns:" line for each of the schemas used. However if
this simply "#includes" the properties of other schema into the rslpcld
schema then the rslpcld schema would be defined in terms of a number of
undesirable properties.

My second thought is to copy the relevant property definitions from their
source locations into the rslpcld schema. However, this leaves a problem
of version control. If I copied, for example, dc:identifier and
subsequently the dc:identifier definition changes, the copy used as part
of the rslpcld schema is out of date.

Any advice would be welcome...


Pete Cliff
Systems Developer - Resource Discovery Network -
UK Office for Library and Information Networking
University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY. UK.    Telephone: +44 1225 323218           Fax: +44 1225 826838

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2000 05:58:48 UTC