Re: Putting context in RDF serialization

Seth Russell wrote:

> Jonathan Borden wrote:
> > <Bag ID="context2">
> >         <li resource="#S2"/>
> >         <li resource="#S3"/>
> >         <li resource="#S4"/>
> > </Bag> [most of example snipped]
> Ok that seems to work.  It does make us explicitly issue a ID to every
> and explicitly place each statement in its context(s).  Do you really
> people are going to do that and/or programmers are going to program
> to read and write it?

My example employs explicit IDs for clarity purposes. I have demonstrated
that every XML node in any XML document has a URI which is the concatenation
of the base URI of the originating document '#' xpointer where the xpointer
fragment identifier can be either an ID or a ChildSeq  (see the XPointer
spec). rdfExtractify.xsl implements this behavior to name otherwise
'anonymous' nodes.

The example you have snipped shows implicit inclusion of statements in a
container/context. The example you have left above shows explicit inclusion
of statements in a container/context. You have a choice e.g.

<RDF xml:base="">
    <Description bagID="">
            ... statements here ...
    <Description about="..."> ... 'anonymous' container (bagID = xpointer)

this can be interpreted as a container representing the whole document and
containers representing each description. This is just as usable as anything
I've seen proposed.

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 14:18:51 UTC