Re: M&S/Parser question

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
> "Perry A. Caro" wrote:
> ...
> > The implication of section 3.3 and 3.4 is that aboutEach and aboutEachPrefix
> > can only appear in "top-level" rdf:Description nodes, despite the more
> > lenient interpretation that the formal grammar suggests.
> I do not agree with your last statement :
> RDFMS does not state (explicitely, at least) that the distributive referent should be *SYNTACTICALLY* expanded.
> And by the way, it seems quite useful to allow statement distrivution in both directions...

I personally agree, but what does this help? I am in the process
of developing an RDF parser (really the best way to learn the
syntax ;-) and I tend to implement the 'distribution in both 
directions'. Then there will be at least four parsers that 
behave differently. (I already tried SiRPAC,pro-solutions and
SWI-Prolog) ...

There has been a lot of discussion on this list about
the RDF syntax. Is there any clarification in sight
whether there will be a more formalized description
of the syntax or even a simplified one? (Or will nothing
happen in the near future?) This would decrease the number 
of mails on this list and we could focus on the interesting
parts of RDF ....


Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2000 11:49:03 UTC