FYI: Australian Learning Objects Repository Project

The VET Learning Object Repository project aims to identify the state of 
play with regard to learning objects, bringing together multiple 
perspectives, diverse opinions and experiences associated with the 
learning object paradigm. It is anticipated that the project will 
encompass a range of perspectives including:

    * Learning design: the differentiation of learning and content
      objects; levels of granularity, components of a learning object;
      types of learning objects; and the central issue of accommodating
      the specialised nature of the VET sector, particularly with regard
      to the high level of contextualisation required for this environment
    * Technical and implementation issues: architecture;
      interoperability of learning objects; contextualisation; and
      communication with LMS
    * Legal: digital rights in making access available
    * Access and distribution: what is needed for discovery; and
      catering for systemic and local distribution needs.

"Green paper" at:


Received on Monday, 4 August 2003 16:26:40 UTC