RE: SIMILE PI phone conference, 01-August-2003 1200 EDT/1700 BST

Hi Team

I made a mistake, the participant pin is 733650

Toll Free Access Number:
    866 276 8920
UK FreeCall Access Number:
   0800 073 8926


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Butler, Mark []
> Sent: 01 August 2003 11:34
> To:
> Subject: SIMILE PI phone conference, 01-August-2003 1200 EDT/1700 BST
> SIMILE PI phone conference, 01-August-03 1200 EDT/1700 BST
> Toll Free Access Number:
>    866 276 8920
> UK FreeCall Access Number:
>    0800 073 8926
> Participant PIN:
>    2536617
> Please join irc channel:
> irc://
> Agenda:
> 1/ update, status, & next steps
> 2/ Discussion: Proposal for staged demostrators - background
> OCLC RDF-DC Interop Project
> OCLC RDF-DC Interop CVS Repository
> Proposal for staged development of demonstrator
> Task Assignments for Demonstrator
> (See enclosed document)
> 3/ Any other business
> Dr Mark H. Butler
> Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol
> Internet:

Received on Friday, 1 August 2003 09:18:23 UTC