- From: <herman.ter.horst@philips.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 15:23:52 +0100
- To: pat hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>, www-rdf-comments@w3.org
- Cc: sandro@w3.org, connolly@w3.org
Two issues need to be mentioned involving the RDF Semantics document, both connected to OWL, one smaller, one larger. (This adds to another issue, dealt with in [1], and not yet handled in the document: the central completeness claim does not hold, but could be made true by addition of one RDFS entailment rule.) Summary: Issue 1- It seems that two changes made to RDF Semantics during LC2 have not yet been incorporated completely in the definition of D-interpretations. Issue 2- There remains a problem with the combination of the two documents OWL S&AS (Semantics and Abstract Syntax) and RDF Semantics, for which the optimal solution (in fact, any complete solution) seems to require changes to RDF Semantics [2]. The problem I refer to in issue 2 is that the OWL design includes the possibility to do without the semantic conditions of XMLLiteral. This aspect of the OWL semantics design is not reflected in S&AS, and came to my attention only a few days ago [3] [4]. This possibility is not realized by S&AS because OWL is a semantic extension of RDFS, and each rdfs-interpretation satisfies the XMLLiteral conditions. I discuss a possibility to solve both issues. This possibility leads in addition, without much additional cost, to a possible, interesting extension of the RDF Semantics document, namely a sound and complete proof theory for reasoning with datatypes: an "RDFS-D-entailment lemma", generalizing the RDFS-entailment lemma to a large class of datatype maps. === Details: The two changes I refer to in issue 1 above are the omission of the terminology "from V" and the change not to require all possible literal values in LV. In line 1 of the definition of D-interpretations the conclusion aaa in V would need to be added before I(aaa)=x, and line 2 of this definition could be generalized to include not all values in LV. The point of such a generalization would be - in line with the spirit of the document - that RDF aims at generality, so that semantic extensions have most freedom, and RDF is a flexible basis for the Semantic Web. (It was noted earlier that line 3 of this definition has also not been completely corrected, see [5].) The following definition of D-interpretations is formulated as a strict extension from the XMLLiteral conditions: Given a datatype map D and a vocabulary V, a D-interpretation of V is an rdfs-interpretation of V such that for all <a,d> in D we have: - a in V and I(a) = d - I satisfies the triples a type Datatype a subClassOf Literal - if l=s^^a is a typed literal in V and s in L(d), then IL(l)=L2V(d)(s) in LV and <IL(l),d> in IEXT(I(type)) - if l=s^^a is a typed literal in V and s not in L(d), then IL(l) not in LV and <IL(l),d> not in IEXT(I(type) This definition of D-interpretations would solve issue 1 above. If this change would be made, then the XMLLiteral conditions could be removed from Section 3 of RDF Semantics, and incorporated by including XMLLiteral in a datatype map. When the RDF Semantics document would be changed so that XMLLiteral is not necessarily present in every datatype map, then issue 2 would be solved as well, and the inconsistency between the documents OWL S&AS and RDF Semantics that was noted would be gone. If these changes would be made, then the RDF and RDFS entailment lemmas would need change as well, since they include XMLLiteral. Below I show that an attractive generalization of the RDFS entailment lemma could be obtained, extending the result to include a large class of datatype maps. = Given a datatype map D, consider the following "D-entailment rules": for each pair <a,d> in D, in order to replace rule rdf2: rule "rdf-a": if E contains uuu bbb lll, where lll = sss^^a is a well-typed literal, then add _:nnn type a, where _:nnn identifies a blank node allocated to lll by rule lg. Define a "D-clash" to be a triple b type Literal where b is a blank node allocated by rule lg to a literal s^^a, where <a,d> is in the datatype map D for some d. The definitions suggested above lead to the following generalization of the RDFS entailment lemma: Suppose that S is a set of RDF graphs, G an RDF graph, and D a datatype map with disjoint value spaces and injective lexical-to-value mappings. Then S D-entails G iff there is a graph H that can be derived from S combined with axiomatic triples, by application of the literal generalization rule, rdf1, and RDFS and D-entailment rules, and that either simply entails G or contains a D-clash. The injectivity assumption can often be handled in practice with a suitable canonicalization operation. Assuming here the presence of rule rdfs14 :-) [1], this result holds: the details of the proof can be worked out. The assumptions on D are used in connection with the definition of the surrogate function sur. Herman ter Horst [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0205.html [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Dec/0042.html [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Dec/0034.html [4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Dec/0035.html [5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0218.html
Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2003 09:30:18 UTC