- From: <herman.ter.horst@philips.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 15:23:37 +0100
- To: www-webont-wg@w3.org
- Cc: pat hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>, pfps@research.bell-labs.com, sandro@w3.org, connolly@w3.org
In this message I would like to summarize the possible options to solve the problem that the current version of S&AS does not properly describe the semantics design w.r.t. XMLLiteral [1] [2]. In my view, this problem needs to be fixed, and it seems to be difficult to do that with an erratum. If the document is left with an error like this, how can a reader decide for any statement of S&AS whether it is reliable? First I give a brief summary of the options, with brief discussion, and at the end I add some details about the options. The options also involve the RDF Semantics document. *Problem*: S&AS cannot exclude the semantics of XMLLiteral, although this possibility is required by the design of OWL. (As I explained in [2], another aspect of the problem is that now S&AS actually describes three semantics for OWL, instead of the two semantics OWL DL and OWL Full sanctioned by WG decisions.) Overview of solutions: *Possible solution 1*: no changes to RDF Semantics, and two "local" changes to S&AS: -1a: add OWL DL semantics without XMLLiteral by means of a detour via the abstract syntax (details below) -1b: exclude the possibility of having OWL Full without XMLLiteral semantics (after all, OWL Full is *OWL Full*) In view of 1b, this would not solve the problem completely, but perhaps this would be acceptable? In addition, 1b would require a small change in OWL Reference. *Possible solution 2*: no changes to S&AS, and two changes to RDF Semantics: -2a: move the XMLLiteral conditions from Section 3 (on RDF) to Section 5 (on datatypes) -2b: allow the possibility to leave XMLLiteral out of a datatype map. I prefer solution 2. This solution would require zero-byte change to S&AS, although some editorial work would be needed on RDF Semantics. This seems to be the only complete solution to the problem. In view of [3], it seems that some nontrivial work needs to be done on RDF Semantics anyway before it goes to PR, since the central completeness claim of the document is false. I describe in rdf-comments [4] some details related to solution 2. I do not know whether solution 2 would be in conflict with RDF Core's design. If that would be the case, then there is a conflict between the designs of WebOnt and RDF Core, and one or both designs would need to be tweaked in order to arrive at a solution of the problem. *Impossible solution 3*: no changes to RDF Semantics, one change to S&AS: -3a: delete the (RDF-)conditions on XMLLiteral from the definition of OWL interpretation in S&AS. This solution seems to be excluded, since it would violate the central assumption on the semantic layering of OWL on top of RDF, namely that OWL is a semantic extension of RDFS. === Additional details about possible solutions: -1a: details were given in [2]: >> One way to solve this would be to restrict the definition now in >> Section 5.4 of OWL DL entailment to datatype maps with XMLLiteral, >> and to state another definition of OWL DL entailment for datatype maps >> without XMLLiteral, in terms of the direct semantics and the mapping T, >> as this is a known case of conflict between the direct semantics >> and OWL DL semantics. >> This would realize the desire that XMLLiteral is not required in >> OWL DL. -2: This solution would lead to more editorial work because XMLLiteral appears in the RDF and RDFS entailment lemmas. As I discuss in my message to rdf-comments [4], this change to the RDF Semantics document would lead to a natural generalization of the RDFS entailment lemma to include a large class of datatype maps, i.e., providing entailment rules sound and complete with the inclusion of datatypes. Herman ter Horst [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Dec/0034.html [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Dec/0035.html [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0205.html [4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0233.html
Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2003 09:27:48 UTC