Comments on yesterday's IRC Chat

A thought from yesterday's IRC Chat on calendaring...

At (
a discussion takes place about a lack of test db for icalendar files.
The mozilla calendar application utilizes the open source libical
project for all access to .ics files. Mozilla calendar wraps libical in
XPCOM. The libical source is found at
( At any rate, the
libical code has a directory of test .ics files that they use for
performing regression testing before making new releases. I don't know
how widespread the use of libical is... I know of a few projects that
are using it in addition to Moz Calendar. Perhaps the few test files
they use could be a start to a test db. Likewise, any test files that
might be generated elsewhere should be propagated to the libical folks.

I may as well mention in this post that this semester I am teaching a
software engineering practicum course at the College of Charleston, in
Charleston, SC USA. In this class the students work on projects of
moderate complexity... as an experiment, that I have committed to for
the Spring/Fall terms, this class will be using the Mozilla Calendar
project as a base application to understand and modify. I am using the
David Boswell, et al. text "Creating Applications with Mozilla". At the
moment, we will be looking at XUL/CSS/JS and in about a month we will be
turning our attention to the Calendar project. I have been talking with
Mike Potter at OEone and he has been an enthusiastic supporter of this
idea. He is in the process of helping to identify some Calendar work
that would be appropriate for this purpose.

Best Regards,

Paul Buhler

Received on Thursday, 9 January 2003 14:02:47 UTC