published timezone data in RDF

Time Zone Data in RDF Calendar Workspace
posted by DanCon at 2003-02-14 19:51 (+)

        DanCon: e.g. America/Chicago[3]
        DanCon: hmm... how to combine this with lat/long data, airport
        data etc...
        DanCon: hmm... how to say this in N3... "Each location in the
        database represents a national region where all clocks keeping
        local time have agreed since 1970. Locations are identified by
        continent or ocean and then by the name of the location, which
        is typically the largest city within the region. "
        DanCon: there seem to be some exceptions; e.g.
        America/Indiana/Indianapolis is 3-levels, not 2.
        DanCon: 100 point bounty for n3/cwm rules to convert a local
        time in any of the cities in the database to UTC.



Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 14 February 2003 15:03:45 UTC