Do not let w3c become a tool for big corporations

	Even a very cheap and "reasonable" priced patent would hurt the
development of free (as in speach) software. What would happen if
someone would license a patent to create a free or even a public domain
software? I tell you what would happen, this software would not be realy
free or public. 

	Patents by definition are ways to block freedom, is a legal way to
create a monopoly. And being so they are by definition incompatible with
eforts of the free software. By allowing big corporations to introduce
terms of use and rules into the standards of the internet W3c will allow
those big corporations to turn them into a tool to help them minimize
the importance and capabilities of the free software. 

	I want o be able to use and develop the standards without any
restrictions. If the patent holders do not think that is fair, I simply
don't want their technology to become standard. That is my opinion.

[]'s Victor Bogado da Silva Lins

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 13:14:04 UTC