Options for inclusion of SVG and MathML in OpenReader format?

[For general info on OpenReader, refer to
Those interested in following the OpenReader Format Working Group
discussion, join the group 'openreader-format' at YahooGroups:
   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/openreader-format/ ]

The OpenReader format, currently under development by the OpenReader
Consortium, will, in its basic form, essentially be an encapsulation
of an OEBPS 1.2 Publication. In turn OEBPS 1.2 is based on XHTML 1.1,
and provides document extensibility and media fallback mechanisms. For
more information on OEBPS 1.2, refer to

   http://www.openebook.org/oebps/oebps1.2/download/oeb12-xhtml.htm .

We wish to include support for both SVG and MathML in the OpenReader

So what mechanism(s) do the SVG and MathML experts recommend for
inclusion of "islands" of SVG and MathML markup within XHTML 1.1
documents? Also, do SVG and MathML provide their own media fallback
mechanisms [see note below], or will we need to provide that?

(I recall seeing an attempt at an XHTML+SVG+MathML DTD/Schema. I also
recall reading that using the <object> tag for inclusion of SVG and
MathML is not recommended. Are my recollections correct?)


Jon Noring
OpenReader Consortium

[Note: A fallback mechanism is a means to specify a media object, such
as a PNG or JPG image, to act as an optional alternative to rendering
SVG or MathML markup. For example, An OpenReader user agent may use
the fallback media object, instead of rendering SVG/MathML when it is
not capable of doing so, such as when operating on limited capacity
hardware like legacy PDAs.]

Received on Friday, 6 May 2005 23:38:28 UTC