Re: Spacing and formatting across multiple math tags

 > 2.  Introduction of one or more meta-math structure to describe
multi-step solutions. (an extension to content mathml)

 > There is nothing to prevent  modelling this meta-structure in xml and
mapping it to tables (or using CSS directly ) for presentation right
now.  Such a thing could move into the spec once it stabilized.

There is one major thing that does prevent it:
Ok, I'm not a postscript expert but AFAIK postscript is a languange for 
graphics and only graphics. You cannot listen to a postscript file (like 
blind people would do with an (x)html document. Furthermore XHTML is 
rendered to many, many devices like papers and screens of all sizes and 
of course audio devices. So it must at least be a high level layout 
language. This will almost map to a semantic markup.

Can one table row be spread to multiple lines? I've never seen a similar 
structure. So I doubt that tables can be used to solve this particular 

Bernd Fuhrmann

Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2003 09:49:48 UTC