RE: Build Errors


I formally undefined "HT_EXT" by uncommenting the line #undef HT_EXT in
libwww\library\src\windows, then re-bootstrapped and nothing different
happened. Same linking problems with the extensions. Please send info on
what to change in the code to remove the references if you think that
might solve the problem here. I am willing to fight a bit to get this up
and running with latest patches and updates (most if not all). I would
imagine quite a bit has gone into libwww since Dev 20th 2000.



Aron G Malkine
Malkine Interactive

-----Original Message-----
From: Manuele Kirsch Pinheiro
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: Build Errors


I'm not a windows C programmer (under windows, I used to work mainly 
with Delphi and Java, not with C.. :( ), but I think I can help you 
about the errors in wwwcore... All errors that you found are connected 
to the extension methods...  These methods are an extention scheme that 
I introduced in libwww last month.. :( They are not vital for the libwww

normal job, they are only an extra option for extension purposes...  So,

if you will work only with HTTP/1.1 spec, you probably won't use them...

In normal cases, those methods (and all functions that work with them) 
should be available only when we define "HT_EXT" (under unix 
environments, we do this by using configure's option '-with-extension').

But, I didn't change the ".mak" and ".dep" files available in 
"" (indeed, I didn't even known about them :(  )... So, 
I think that the problem may be in the configuration procedure under 
windows... My suggestion to you is the following: try to formally 
undefine "HT_EXT" _ in the file Library/src/windows/config.h you may 
uncomment the line "#undef HT_EXT". And after that, try to repeat the 
bootstrap mechanism <> (the page gives this suggestion after 
download file).

If it doesn't work, contact me! I can tell you exactly what change in 
the code to remove the references to the extension methods (it's quite 
simple in fact)... And if you suceed, please, tell me how you did it! We

didn't test the extension methods and the WebDAV module under windows 
environment yet... Any feedback about it will be very, very useful...

Good luck!


Aron Malkine wrote:

> Hello all;
> I'm developing a browser application on WinXP with MSVC 6.0 and I'm 
> interested in trying out libwww for its HTML Parsing capabilities.  I 
> have only recently become acquainted with libwww. Unfortunately, some 
> of the distribution package examples ( Load a document and dump to 
> local File and some others) were crashing, so I decided to try out the

> CVS version. I'm having some problems compiling the CVS source though
> -  it's not clear to me if the CVS files should compile as they exist
> or not. After acquiring the CVS source files, I bootstrapped them with

> ActivePerl 5.6.1 and then proceeded to download the Windows makefiles,

> ( which seem to be the same as the ones for the distribution package, 
> is that correct? - and whats the deal with the PGP key thats provided,

> is that useful somehow? ). When batch building, things went awry (see 
> below)... Can anyone fill me in on what's happening here? If not I'll 
> go back to the distribution package...
> Also, what does it mean to 'revert to the latest untagged version' of 
> the CVS?
> Thanks in advance,
> Aron
> Aron G Malkine
> Technologist
> Malkine Interactive <>
> 718.302.1987
> --------------------Configuration: wwwdll - Win32
> Release--------------------
> Compiling...
> windll.c
> wwwdll.c
> Linking...
> .\wwwdll.def : warning LNK4087: CONSTANT keyword is obsolete; use DATA

> .\wwwdll.def : warning LNK4087: CONSTANT keyword is obsolete; use DATA
>    Creating library ..\..\..\Bin/wwwdll.lib and object
> ..\..\..\Bin/wwwdll.exp
> --------------------Configuration: wwwutils - Win32 
> Release--------------------
> Compiling...
> HTArray.c
> HTAssoc.c
> HTAtom.c
> HTBTree.c
> HTChunk.c
> HTHash.c
> HTList.c
> HTMemory.c
> HTString.c
> HTTrace.c
> HTUU.c
> windll.c
> Linking...
>    Creating library ..\..\..\Bin/wwwutils.lib and object 
> ..\..\..\Bin/wwwutils.exp
> --------------------Configuration: wwwcore - Win32
> Release--------------------
> Compiling...
> HTAlert.c
> HTAnchor.c
> HTChannl.c
> HTError.c
> HTEscape.c
> HTEvent.c
> HTFormat.c
> HTHost.c
> HTInet.c
> HTLib.c
> HTLink.c
> HTMemLog.c
> HTMethod.c
> HTNet.c
> HTNoFree.c
> HTParse.c
> HTProt.c
> HTReqMan.c
> HTResponse.c
> HTStream.c
> HTTimer.c
> HTTrans.c
> HTUser.c
> HTUTree.c
> HTWWWStr.c
> windll.c
> Linking...
> .\wwwcore.def : warning LNK4197: export "HTSetSignal" specified
> multiple times; using first specification
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTMethod_deleteExtensionMethod
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTMethod_setExtensionMethod
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_deleteMessageBody
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_messageBody
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_messageBodyFormat
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_messageBodyLength
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_setMessageBody
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_setMessageBodyFormat
> wwwcore.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
> HTRequest_setMessageBodyLength
> ..\..\..\Bin/wwwcore.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 10 unresolved
> LINK : fatal error LNK1141: failure during build of exports file
> Error executing link.exe.
> WinCom.exe - 12 error(s), 3 warning(s)
> plus many more errors after that - email me if you want the rest...

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 13:19:46 UTC