Re: HT_PENDING status

At 11:11 3/25/99 +0000, Vaclav Barta wrote:

>in the after filter (registered with HTNet_addAfter) of my spider,
>I regularly get status 902 (HT_PENDING) for some URLs. What does that
>mean - is the server complaining that I overload it? (it doesn't
>happen on my home machine, only on my internet server, which has
>a lot less resources). Should I limit the number of concurrent
>requests? And what if I got this status anyway - should I retry?
>Server logs say the URLs in question were served successfully, but
>how will I know that in the client?

The 902 status code shouldn't be propagated to the after filters (as the
request isn't done). Are you interrupting the request or something?

Also, are you using the latest version of libwww?

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Wednesday, 31 March 1999 12:47:58 UTC