Re: How to administer JigSaw on a macintosh without JDK1.2 ?

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Stéphane Sire wrote:

> I have successfuly installed and run jigsaw_2_0_4 on a macintosh with 
> Mac OS 9.0, Apple MRJ 2.2
> (and Swing 1.1.1), but JigAdmin doesn't work as well. In fact it 
> starts running and then if I click
> on the http-server icon on the left, I got the following  error :
> Exception occurred during event dispatching:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/awt/dnd/DropTargetListener
> 	at 
> org.w3c.jigadmin.editors.SpaceServerHelper.getTreeBrowser(SpaceServerH 
> Exception occurred during event dispatching:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/awt/dnd/DropTargetListener
> 	at 
> org.w3c.jigadmin.editors.SpaceServerHelper.getTreeBrowser(SpaceServerH 
> Then the cursor icon in JigAdmin doen't change from the waiting icon, 
> and the root icon in the
> administration zone doesn't appear...
> As stated in the documentation the problem comes from the fact that I 
> should use a JDK1.2,
> but to my knowledge, this version is not available on the Macintosh 
> platform. Thus my question,
> is there another way to administer jigsaw on a macintosh ? Is the 
> drag and drop feature
> of JigAdmin the only reason for using JDK1.2 and is there a work 
> around to remove it ?
> Another solution could be to run the older version of JigAdmin, but 
> does it work with jigsaw 2.0.4,
> or should I go back to an older version of jigsaw ?

Jigadmin is jdk1.2 and it is quite difficult to move it to 1.1 as it is
using other features of jdk1.2, however jigadm (the old version of
jigadmin) is still bundled with Jigsaw 2.0.4.
The interface is not as smooth as jigadmin2, but enough to administer
Jigsaw. try java org.w3c.jigadm.Main instead of org.w3c.jigadmin.Main
I really hope that the mac will have a good jdk1.2 soon :/

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Received on Tuesday, 28 March 2000 03:29:51 UTC