Re: parameters to maximize performance on Jigsaw

Ka Chan wrote:
>   I also set the max heap size to 1 Gig for running java cmd. This
> setting
> is a little behind when I run the same load with JWS. Does anyone know
> that Jigsaw runs faster or slower compared with JWS? Does anyone suggest
> other settings to make my Jigsaw webserver runs faster?

Actually, better results can be obtained by installing a faster Java VM,
such as the one provided by JDK 1.2.1_04 Production Release. You could
also try installing Sun Hotspot 1.0.1 which is a replacement for the
native_threads version of a JDK or a JRE. Hotspot works by optimizing
bytecode into native code during run-time. However, I do not know
whether any stability problems exist.


Received on Wednesday, 15 December 1999 03:16:01 UTC