jigsaw, Microsoft internet explorer and images

I am running jigsaw 2.0 beta3 on a PC with Windows NT 4.
I have problems when I browse the site served by jigsaw with Microsoft
internet explorer 4.0. The first page I request to jisaw is displayed fine,
but, when I ask for a second page (following a link, for instance), some or
all of the images are not loaded (msie seems to be waiting for them). From
this point on, msie does not behave in a correct way: it can not load images
also from other web sites and when I close it only the window disappears but
the process is still there (I have to kill it with the windows task
manager). I know I had the same problem on Windows 95 and jigsaw 2.0 beta2.
If I disable HTTP1.1 in msie the problem remains.
By the way, here I do not have any proxy.

It could be a bug of msie, but the microsoft browser behaves well with all
the other web servers I know.
I do not like msie, but I do not want to compel the users to view my site
ONLY with Netscape.

In the archive I have seen other messages on this (or similar) problem. I
have also searched the archive for any answer but I have not found it.

I hope anyone can help me.
Thank you very much.

Francesco Coda

Received on Monday, 26 October 1998 12:00:43 UTC