Re: bilingual websites

Thierry Sourbier wrote:
> > > Therefore in the present
> > > case the ACCEPT_LANGUAGE will be useless in most of the cases.
> >
> > Not so. Besides, UI localization and content localization are different.
> >
> Sorry my email was not clear. My assumption is that that in Chris' case only
> a tiny fraction of the Welsh user base will indeed use a browser generating
> an HTTP request asking for a Welsh page (The method I presented took
> actually those lucky users into account). The rest of the Welsh users will
> have HTTP request asking for English... that's not much help.
> This situation occurs because it is rare that Welsh is set as the factory
> default preferred language (unless the vast majority of Welsh speakers use
> browsers such as Opera :). 

If your primary language was Welsh and a browser was available in Welsh,
what would *you* pick?

Of course, if you spoke English and also some Welsh, that is a different
case. But then, that is why Accept-Language is a list with quality


Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 09:02:17 UTC