Re: HTML Metadata for other Web objects

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Stu Weibel wrote:

> Andrew Daviel writes:
> > We need a consensus on how to specify metadata for non-HTML Web objects, 
> > IMO.
> The infrastructure for supporting metadata of non-html Web objects is
> not now in place, but will be within the year.  It is PICS-ng.

Is this
(Next Generation Label Format) ??

Compared to Dublin Core, PICS seems complex and geared towards filtering 
and real-numbered values, at least in the minds of consumers. The 
transport mechanism is, as I understand things:
 - by HTTP PICS-Label: 
 - by 3rd-party ratings bureau.

If used as an HTTP header on a non-HTML object, it has bulked out
the header. If from a ratings bureau, there is no defined mechanism
to refer to the metadata from the object itself (one could
perhaps use Link: <url>;rev="PICS-Label" ??)

Within the framework of my original suggestion, I guess one could say:

  <html><head><title>Apple Blossoms</title>
  <meta http-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-1.1 
    by "Ann Photog" for ""
    ratings (dc.title "Apple Blossoms" dc.creator "Ann Photog"))'>
  (<a href="blossom.gif">here's the photo</a>)


I believe that some PICS ratings bureaus work by sending a robot to cehck out
the URL in question for flesh-toned GIFs and naughty words, with a later
editorial step; a discovery "ratings bureau" might operate in the same way,
so we still need a mechanism which is easy for authors to understand in 
order to associate original metadata with non-metadata-capable objects

Andrew Daviel

Received on Thursday, 24 April 1997 21:22:23 UTC