Re: Submitting Appliet data [was: Refocusing on HTML ]

On Sun, 8 Sep 1996, Daniel W. Connolly wrote:

> Yet another reason to upgrade from <applet> to <object>...

Plus the fact that if an applet is NAMEd, I can run it outside the context
of the page it's in, just by getting the URL foo.html#bar where bar is the
NAME of the OBJECT. Though the user agent can read the parameters from the
html, it doesn't have to display the rest of the file.

== Stephanos Piperoglou = = ==
 If my opinions were my employers', they'd be pretty wierd opinions.
"I want peace on earth and good will toward man"
"We're the United States Government, we don't do that sort of thing!"
                           - Whistler and Abbot from `Sneakers'

                                            ...oof porothika! (tm)

Received on Sunday, 8 September 1996 14:31:45 UTC