RE: Netscape and <FRAMESET>

| Is there a Netscape rep here who can tell me what formula to use to
| figure out what height and width a frame will be relative to the
| I specify?
| So, dear Netscape rep, please tell me the formula so I can get the
| correct combination of spec'd frame size and window size to achieve a
| particular desired height *without* so much trial and error.

There is one problem, at least in MSIE, the border is/could be OS
dependant, and its size may never easily map into something usable... 
HTML wasn't meant for perfect placing of items...

mmmm, yes, OS dependent.

It seems to me that Windows based machines do have that small problem, don't 


And yes, HTML was not ment to be "very" precise in placement, but then again, 
<FRAMESET> is not standard HTML so I would expect 50 pixel to *be* 50 pixels.

But then again, I do have that same problem with graphics on Window machines.

Tisk, tisk.

Oh, how I miss my Macintosh! :)


Received on Saturday, 30 November 1996 00:53:13 UTC