Re: Proposal: New Anchor attributes

There are several things we should look at if we are to look at the
resource identification issues around links.  Just a few are:
  1) The ability to identify the URL the content owner would like agents 
	to remember a node by.  As was discussed in detail last year, 
	the base tag is not adequate for this purpose.
  2) The ability to have complex (non-simple CDATA) alternatives for links
  3) The ability discussed in this chain to identify multiple 
	alternate resources for a link.
Most are covered in Murray Maloney's draft which does not seem to have been 
discussed much (am I monitoring the wrong lists?).

As to Ian's specific suggestion to have the mlink part of the head: YES.
As part of response to a HEAD request, a user agent would know what 
alternatives are available to access the resource. Very useful, especially
for those of us who are facing the reliability issues of the "web".

Dave Hollander

Received on Friday, 31 May 1996 12:30:24 UTC