Re[2]: Comments in HTML (fwd)

>>The problem is that browsers have to terminate comments at the first '>' 
>>beacuse, IIRC, a very early draft of the HTML 2 documentation contained a 
>>misprint and browser authors accepted any > to terminate a comment . . .

>SGML has always had '-->' as the comment terminator. Browser authors 
>should know enough about what they're doing to know an error as obvious 
>as that when they see it.

Actually, '-->' is _not_ the SGML comment terminator.  Inside '<! ... >',
'--' brackets a comment on either side; there can be multiple comments
(along with other SGML) inside '<! ... >'.

*-- Kurt Starsinic ( -------- Programmer/Analyst II --*
|   Electronic Product Systems       Institute for Scientific Information   |
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|  "Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.  Man did not  |
|   weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.  Whatever he does   |
|   to the Web, he does to himself." - Chief Seattle                        |
*------------------------   ------------------------*

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 1996 09:26:43 UTC