XHTML Basic 1.1: Value Attribute of List Element

Hello www-html-editor,

Congratulations to all involved in getting XHTML Basic 1.1 to Candidate 
Recommendation status.

The abstract of the specification refers the reader to XHTML 
Modularization 1.0 for the value attribute of the li element[1]. 
However, no such attribute is even mentioned in XHTML Modularization 
1.0; it's actually defined in the HTML 4.01 Specification, section 10.2.

I believe the words:

     The value attribute for the li element (defined in [XHTMLMOD])

... could be replaced with:

     The value attribute for the li element (defined in [[HTML4]])

(An alternative solution would be to create a Value Module within XHTML 
Modularization 1.1, and normatively refer to that instead.)

Kind Regards,


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-xhtml-basic-20070713/#abstract
     (third list item).

Received on Friday, 20 July 2007 17:24:09 UTC