Re: AJAX vs. Xforms

Vincent Berger wrote:

> May be, your tennis is better than your google search for "xforms 
> plugins"  :-)
> Are you serious ?


Plugins that aren't installed on users' desktops are as useful to a web 
developer as food sitting on an Albertson's shelf in Arizona is to a 
starving person in Kashmir.

Frankly I'm being generous. There's only one plugin that's even close to 
useful, and that's closed source for one browser on one platform. Until 
recently it was payware on top of that.

AJAX succeeded because it already worked in users' browsers without any 
extra effort on their part. If XForms ever reaches that level of 
availability, then it might be useful. Until then it's relegated to the 
intranet at best, and usually not even that.

Elliotte Rusty Harold
XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

Received on Monday, 31 October 2005 11:58:19 UTC