Re: xforms in xhtml, styled using xsl?

The Chiba project ( has some XSL templates that 
process XForms. I've downloaded it, but haven't tried to use it or study it 
more closely.

I'm no XSLT guru, but it seems to me that the basic problem with simply using 
XSLT is placing the values from the Xforms instance corectly in the HTML 
code. It seems to me a general solution would require the ability to generate 
and evaluate XPath expressions dynamically. Limiting yourself a "flat" 
instance bypasses this problem.

On Wednesday 21 August 2002 17:19, Roger Perttu wrote:
> I'm trying to learn xforms and I need some XSLT sample templates that
> can convert any xform to simple xhtml. I've used Google without luck.
> thanks,
> Roger P

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2002 04:51:11 UTC