Questions on the WD-XForms-20010608

How is the switch construct supposed to work?

By reading the spec I couldn´t really see how the bind between the action toggle to the switch construct is supposed to work.

<switch id="01" default="initial">
  <case id="us">
    <caption>Please Specify a US Shipping Address.</caption>
  <case id="uk">
    <caption>Please specify a UK shipping address.</caption>
  <case id="initial">

  <onevent id="shippingAddress" registerwith="01" type="dom-click">
         <action id="us">
              <toggle switch="01" case="us"/>


Is the onevent embedded in the switch construct or?

Or is it embedded in the UI-control or in a group element?

Mats Norén

Received on Monday, 25 June 2001 11:45:53 UTC