Re: WOFF and extended metadata

>>>>> "LP" == Laurence Penney <> writes:

LP> Could you point to where these restrictions are listed? If you're
LP> talking about Ruby markup (or any angle-bracket markup), then I'm
LP> not sure why such markup would not be encoded with &lt; and &gt; and
LP> quotes as entities - whether <bar>text</bar> or <foo bar="text"/> -

It is from the SGML ISO standard (nb that XML /is/ an SGML profile).

I used to have a copy of either the standard or the final draft, from
back around when HTML was born, but I no longer do, so I cannot point
at the specific text.

There may also be implications to writing a valid DTD and/or RNG.

(Of course, using an s-expression instead of xml would make everything

James Cloos <>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

Received on Sunday, 20 June 2010 14:47:36 UTC