Re: [DOM3 Events] relatedTarget on blur/focus


WebKit just got relatedTarget on focus/blur. I take the silence as there
being no opposition, since there wasn't a clear reason for excluding them
in the first place. Would be great if we could update the spec.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Ojan Vafai <> wrote:

> Went ahead and filed the bug:
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Ojan Vafai <> wrote:
>> Right now relatedTarget is specced as being null on blur/focus. Why don't
>> these just match focusout/focusin?
>> Doing some spec archaeology, it looks like relatedTarget was specced as
>> having the same value as target on blur/focus and then set to null in
>> response to
>> It seems to me that there's no downside to making relatedTarget do the
>> same thing on focus/blur that is does on focusout/focusin respectively.
>> From a web developers perspective, the only difference should be whether
>> the event bubbles or not and whether it fires before/after focus has
>> shifted.
>> I know this is late in the cycle, but I just noticed this and this seems
>> reasonable to include in the level 3 version of this spec.
>> Ojan

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 18:03:07 UTC