Re: i18n reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 11:39, Francois Yergeau wrote:
> C10) Section 1.3.2 on URIs: we consider this section overly vague.  At least
> two points should be improved:
> - For resolution of relative URIs/IRIs, it should be clearly said that
>    RFC 2396 (or it's successor) is relevant. IRIs don't change that at
>    all, we just need to be careful that the implementations treat all
>    non-ASCII characters as payload.
> - It should be explicitly mentioned that DOM URIs can contain more
>    than just US-ASCII.

Section 1.3.2 has been reworded as follow:
The DOM specification relies on DOMString values as resource
identifiers, such that the following conditions are met: 

     1. An absolute identifier absolutely identifies a resource on the
     2. Simple string equality establishes equality of absolute resource
        identifiers, and no other equivalence of resource identifiers is
        considered significant to the DOM specification; 
     3. A relative identifier is easily detected and made absolute
        relative to an absolute identifier; 
     4. Retrieval of content of a resource may be accomplished where
The term "absolute URI" refers to a complete resource identifier and the
term "relative URI" refers to an incomplete resource identifier. 

Within the DOM specifications, these identifiers are called URIs,
"Uniform Resource Identifiers", but this is meant abstractly. The DOM
implementation does not necessarily process its URIs according to the
URI specification [IETF RFC 2396]. Generally the particular form of
these identifiers must be ignored. 

When is not possible to completely ignore the type of a DOM URI, either
because a relative identifier must be made absolute or because content
must be retrieved, the DOM implementation must at least support
identifier types appropriate to the content being processed. [HTML
4.01], [XML 1.0], and associated namespace specification [XML
Namespaces] rely on [IETF RFC 2396] to determine permissable characters
and resolving relative URIs. Other specifications such as namespaces in
XML 1.1 [XML Namespaces 1.1] may rely on alternative resource identifier
types that may, for example, include non-ASCII characters, necessitating
support for alternative resource identifier types where required by
applicable specifications. 


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 18:09:10 UTC