Re: Questions about replaceWholeText

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 18:19, Vadim O. Ustiansky wrote:
> I am new to DOM and after reading the specification of
> replaceWholeText method I have several questions. I suspect
> them to be caused by my poor English so I would be grateful
> if someone can clarify them. First let me cite the
> specification:

The description has been changed:
Replaces the text of the current node and all logically-adjacent text
nodes with the specified text. All logically-adjacent text nodes are
removed including the current node unless it was the recipient of the
replacement text.
This method returns the node which received the replacement text. The
returned node is: 
      * null, when the replacement text is the empty string;
      * the current node, except when the current node is read-only;
      * a new Text node of the same type (Text or CDATASection) as the
        current node inserted at the site of the replacement.

Not 100% satisfactory, but we didn't come up with a better proposal.



Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 10:01:01 UTC