Re: [w3photo] Image regions

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 23:04, Jim Ley wrote:
> So unless any objections are voiced we're now proposing a space seperated
> list of points which are integer pairs.
> A circle would be "X,Y R"
> A rect would be "X1,Y1 X2,Y2"
> and a Polygon would be "X1,Y1 Xn,Yn ... "
Yep, and an ellipse would be "X,Y Rx,Ry".

I changed my mind, convinced by Jim (it's happened before, and it will 
again...), who pointed out that there doesn't seem to be a lot of need for 
image maps anyway, and whitespace separation is more in line with XML specs 
in general.

> On another topic, I'd also like an SVGPath Class which has a path
> attribute, this is not limited to Integers and allows the full
> functionality of the SVG Path,
Sounds good to me, but I hope we can find a better name for the class 
(wordnet seems to suggest "Shape" or "Figure", but since it'd be a subclass 
of region I'm not sure what the best option would be)?

> for this I would encourage a rectangular
> bounding box to be included, but also potentially a PolygonBounding box
> which we may also want to define.
Good idea, boundingPolygon perhaps?

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Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 17:43:34 UTC