Re: [w3photo] Image regions

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 12:33, KANZAKI Masahide wrote:
> I'm happy with this decision and eagerly waiting for namespage :)
Heh, I don't know if that was a typo - namespage - but that's a very nice 
word, completely closes the isue with what's supposed to be at the end of a 
namespace. ;)

> >- A boundingBox property MAY be added by generating client, but could
> >  be computed easily for the basic shapes. When using more complex shapes
> >  and SVG's path syntax, the boundingBox property SHOULD be added.
> Yes, indeed, I think this MAY, not SHOULD. It is easy to have bounding
> rectangle from polygon with, say, javascript, and can be done even with
> XSLT. I've added this capability to my stylesheet, and made one example to
> show a box from polygon [1] (though this RDF still uses hasPart, points
> etc...).
Great, I think perhaps we could develop a set of standard functions in 
various languages that did the bounding box computations, to make sure nobody 
is left out of the loop because of lack of tool support.

Also, I see in the logs that it is being suggested that regions should be 
identified by URI. I'm not sure I agree on that, since as Libby pointed out, 
regions are not directly displayable, and it paves the way for somewhat 
easier "desctruction" of regions by mistake.
However, that would make it possible for a friendly service to add 
boundingBox properties to regions that didn't have them already...

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Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 17:02:45 UTC