Re: feedback on HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide requested

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Steve Faulkner <> wrote:
> The AAPI task force are looking for feedback on what needs to be added to
> the HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide
> to make it as useful as possible  to browser and AT implementers.
> We realise that of the content we already have in there, there are still
> many gaps to fill, but we also realise that the scope of information we
> provide needs to be extended. We would appreciate your input in helping us
> define that scope.
> any feedback you can provide would be appreciated

Hey Steve

I think one absolutely critical area to think about from an
interoperability perspective is handling "interesting" markup

For example, if you have an <li> that does not have a <ol>/<ul>
parent, what does that get mapped to? Or, if you have an <li> that has
a <ol>/<ul> parent, but the parent has a role attribute that maps it
to (say) the "button" role, what does the <li> get mapped to?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 09:35:10 UTC