Comments on XAG - 3 Oct 2002

Hi XAGers,

Just a few random points on the most recent WD.

* T1.2.1 
Unfortunately you can't do this and remain valid SVG content.
This is actually a limitation of SVG that Masayasu has requested
we fix (to enable XHTML content in an <svg:desc>). I'm 
confident we will resolve this in the next release of SVG (1.2)

* TW2.2.1 Example: Wrong
I think the wording is a little harsh. In SVG we do allow presentational
attributes, but they are part of the styling system and can be overridden
by a style sheet. Yes, this was a huge debate at the time which we 
don't want to reopen. However, now that we've lived with the 
result for a few years we are actually quite happy with it.

Also, how can you not include presentational elements in a language
such as SVG? What is a <circle> if not presentational? I'm sure 
similar examples exist in XSLFO and probably SMIL (<video>?).

My feeling is that there are some XML grammars that are presentational,
and those grammars, by their nature, will define presentational
elements and attributes. How about wording that suggests/requires
a styling override for presentational features? Or expanding on
the "non final-form dialects" bit (SVG is both final-form and
non final-form)?

* 2.11 Specific checkpoint for Final-form applications.
Can you explain what "Allow the author to identify by URI the source used to 
generate the final form instance" means? Does "final-form"
mean the result of something like an XSLT transform?
Actually I don't understand the other two provisions as well! Sorry :)

My question really is: "Do you consider SVG final-form?"
If the answer is yes, then what do the provisions mean in
the context of SVG?

* 3.4 Use a device-independent interaction and events model / module.
Your example technique suggests using Activate rather than
Click (I assume). I guess this means that you think the DOM events
are device specific? (Note: I'm not arguing, I just want to know:)

* 4.2 Ensure that ....
OK. This is a really picky comment :)
I doubt everyone will be able to understand this document
regardless of its accessibility. My father could read it,
but he'd have no hope of understanding it.

Lastly, you might want to update the reference for SVG
to the 1.1 Recommendation (although we have not published
a related Access note).

Keep up the good work.


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 20:04:45 UTC