Re: Sec. 508 vs. WAI


I think that Shawn might get somewhere with this idea.

Can we get her to lightly approach the Access Board staff on the idea of a
comparative analysis -- with the benefit of hindsight -- that we can both
stand behind?

I was very pleased that the briefings that Ken and I worked up on complex
tables turned out to be telling the same story.  Neither organization has
anything to gain from public differences about interpreting one another's

And introducing a new face can let history be history.


At 05:58 PM 2003-03-26, Phill Jenkins wrote [on w3c-wai-ig]:

>I would also publically ask that the W3C WAI publish their view of the
>differences between the Web part of the 508 technical standard and WCAG
>1.0.  Better yet would be a joint document from both the Access Board and
>WAI that they both agree on.  I would recommend NOT including any
>discussion of the policy stuff, i.e., conformance vs compliance, since W3C
>does not really produce policy documents.
>What the Access-Board has published that Larry Hull quoted is an excellent
>start.  I also have an internal IBM version that I could contribute.  The
>Web Content Guidelines Working Group (GL) also needs to publish a
>comparison for the next public draft of WCAG 2.0
>Phill Jenkins
>IBM Research Division - Accessibility Center
>11501 Burnet Rd,  Austin TX  78758

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 19:04:52 UTC