Typos in Accessibility statement


Following instructions on the EO survey, here are some typos I noticed 
in the accessibility statement.

1. ON page: https://w3c.github.io/wai-statements/planning/statements/#main

Paragraph: –Examples of accessibility statements

The following example accessibility statements were created using this 
generator tool:

Proposal: The following examples of accessibility statements were 
created using this generator tool:

2. In the two examples of accessibility statements, you talk sometimes 
from work days :"We aim to respond to accessibility feedback within 5 
work days, "
Then further in the text: propose a solution within 10 working days.
Not sure which of both is correct in English. May be make this consistent?
One can find this also in the tool itself: Typical duration for response 
(Example: "2 work days")

Experte accessibilité numérique
09 72 45 06 14 — 06 62 33 68 12

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Received on Monday, 5 November 2018 11:51:05 UTC